Cookies policy

What are cookies and what are they used for?

The word “cookies” is the term used for small text files that are downloaded to your computer’s browser (computer, mobile phone, tablet, etc.) of a user when browsing a website, application or computer platform.

Cookies bring great advantages in the provision of information society services, as they facilitate and speed up Internet navigation, and also help us to improve the quality of the services we provide to our users. Cookies, among other things, allow us to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or his/her computer, which helps us to know which pages or utilities of a website, application or platform are most useful and which are not, in order to improve them and, depending on the information they contain and the way he/she uses his/her computer, they can also be used to recognize the user.


Type of cookies we use on this website

Depending on the entity that manages them:

  • Own cookies: those sent to the user’s computer from a computer or domain managed by SHINGELS, S.A. (hereinafter “SHINGELS”) and from which the service requested by the user is provided.
  • Third-party cookies: those sent to the user’s computer from a computer or domain that is not managed by SHINGELS, but by third parties.


Depending on how long they remain active:

  • Session cookies: these are temporary and remain in the browser of the user’s computer until he/she leaves the website, application or platform. These cookies make navigation easier and faster.
  • Persistent cookies: are those in which the information is stored on the user’s computer and can be accessed for a period of time established by the person responsible for the cookie (may be a few minutes or years).


Depending on the purpose:

  • Technical cookies: these allow the user to navigate a website, application or platform.
  • Personalisation cookies: these allow the user to access the service with some predefined general characteristics, such as language, type of access browser, etc.
  • Analysis cookies: these allow us to quantify the number of users and thus carry out measurements and statistical analyses of the activity of the websites, applications or platforms, and to draw up user navigation profiles in order to make improvements.


SHINGELS own cookies used on this website are technical and customization, which may be both session and persistent. In accordance with Article 22. 2 of Act 34/2002, of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce, SHINGELS own cookies do not require the consent of users.

The third party cookies used on this website are analytical cookies.

Below we show the cookies used on this website:

cookielawinfo-checkbox-necessary | Necessary | 1 year | This cookie is set by the GDPR cookie consent plugin. Cookies are used to store user consent for cookies in the “Necessary” category.

cookielawinfo-checkbox-performance | Necessary | 1 year | This cookie is set by the GDPR cookie consent plugin. The cookie is used to store user consent for cookies in the “Performance” category.

cookielawinfo-checkbox-analytics | Necessary | 1 year | These cookies are set by the GDPR cookie consent WordPress plugin. The cookie is used to remember the user’s consent for cookies in the “Analysis” category.

cookielawinfo-checkbox-advertisement | Necessary | 1 year | The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record user consent for cookies in the “Advertising” category.

_GRECAPTCHA | Necessary | 5 months and 27 days | Google sets this cookie. In addition to certain standard Google cookies, reCAPTCHA sets a required cookie _GRECAPTCHA when run for the purpose of providing your risk analysis.

wpml_browser_redirect_test | Functional | session | This cookie is set by the WPML WordPress plugin and is used to test if cookies are enabled in the browser.

_icl_visitor_lang_js | Functional | 1 day | This cookie is stored by the WPML WordPress plugin. The purpose of the cookie is to store the redirected language.

cookielawinfo-checkbox-functional | Other | 1 year | The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record user consent for cookies in the “Functional” category.

_ir | Other | Pinterest sets the cookie. We do not know the exact purpose of cookies.

wpEmojiSettingsSupports | session | Necessary | WordPress sets this cookie when a user interacts with emojis on a WordPress site. It helps determine if the user’s browser can display emojis properly.

You can set up your preferences and choose how you want your data to be used for the following purposes:

Set up cookies